Monday, March 29, 2010

My 1012 YearMonth Plan

So, instead of wasting paper I'm just going to jot my thoughts down here. Secret fact: I'm a hopeless optimist. If I weren't so optimistic I could easily be the most depressed,cynical,psychotic etcetera etcetera person ever. I'm also pretty stressfree but I'm starting to think I could use a little stress in my life to force me to start thinking seriously about my future. Until this happens, here's what I've come up with. I'm going to experience as much as I can. This summer I'm going to have some kind of part-time job, probably a nanny job, and then I want to volunteer like crazy. I figure it will somehow help me realize my true aspirations. If not, at least I will have done something useful with my time and learned something in return. I want to take all types of classes too, from academic to dance classes, to classes that actually teach you something important about the real world. I also am going to live it up this summer. This is my last summer before I graduate college and it's going to be the best. It WILL be the best! (so far anyway) After my amazing summer ends, I'm going to kick ass in school (or not, doesn't really matter....I'll finally be 21 after all) and continue with my volunteering and work. I want to be the most well -rounded and most prepared I can be before I enter the "real world." When graduation nears, I'll probably start freaking out a little and wondering what I'm going to do to support myself. As of right now though, I'm not too worried. For me personally, I don't think grad school or a career right off the bat would be best. I want to experience everything life has to offer and I believe the best time for many of these experience is now. I'll try not to be jealous when people my age are going to law school or getting really cool boring adult jobs with a salary. You're always going to want what you don't have but I think my biggest regret would be not fully exploring all of my options. You have one chance to make your life what you want. That's really scary to think about because every decision you make affects the trajectory of your life. Precisely why it's so important to me to limit regrets. I can't say now what I'll be doing but I have high hopes that it will be something worth my time. It's most important to be happy and that's the goal I'm reaching towards now. I don't care if I have everything planned out. I just care that the ride is enjoyable.


  1. Good read. Sounds like you might be hearing the message. Im a firm believer in the 25 year rule, that is you have approximately 4+ years to see the light.
